We endorse the following:
- Installing appropriate signage indicating:
names, historical significance; locations; directions to aforesaid
- Determining the location of the 3,000+ deceased
in the cemeteries and acknowledging them accordingly
- Retrieving, so far as possible, all historic
- Installing 24 cast iron lamp posts rescued from city salvage
In recognizing the sanctity of this cemetery,
we will restore respect, recognition and dignity to those interred
within its confines:
- Ventureño Chumash
- Spanish & Mexicans of the mission founding
and great rancho era
- European & Asian refugees from religious
persecution and political oppression
- American pioneers searching for economic
- Early Ventura County and Ventura City leaders
- Veterans of the Mexican-American War, The Civil War, The Indian
Wars, Spanish-American War,
WW I and WW II
all of whom contributed to the formation of our City of San Buenaventura.
Schleder, Friends of St. Mary's Cemetery Park & Ventura Cemetery
This park was the City’s first cemetery and was divided among the Protestant, Oriental, Catholics and Jews. In 1968-69, all of the gravestones, except for a few, were removed and the cemetery was converted to a park. The park is, in reality, still a cemetery and has been since the City was incorporated in 1860.
Judy Triem, Ventura County Cultural Heritage Survey, July, 1983
Eternity lingers in a cemetery, whispering the names of those who once moved and breathed; names now etched in stone or metal in a most lasting form of remembrance. Washed by the rain and brushed by the wind, the names on the markers are never to disappear. Cemeteries are created to be permanent, because life is not.
Melissa Eastman Wantz, A PLACE FOR ALL TIME: The History of Ivy Lawn Memorial Park
VCMHA Quarterly, Volume 41, Number 2